An Improved Empirical Large-Signal Model for High-Power GaN HEMTs Including Self-Heating and Charge-Trapping Effects



A new empirical large-signal model for high-power GaN HEMTs utilizing an improved drain current (Ids) model is presented. The new Ids formulation accurately predicts the asymmetric bell-shaped transconductance (gm) over a large drain-source bias range which is crucial in modeling high-power GaN HEMTs. A method of utilizing a combination of pulsed-gate (PGIV) and pulsed-gate-and-drain (PIV) IV measurements to characterize the dispersive behavior of GaN HEMT nonlinear Ids characteristics is developed. Dispersion due to self heating is modeled by modifying Ids parameters as a function of the temperature change and drain-source bias. Dispersion due to trapping is modeled using an effective gate-source voltage model. Accurate predictions of the RF small-signal and large-signal performance are demonstrated for two quiescent biases.


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